Civic party looks back at their year in office

Ahead of a new Lord Mayor taking office on Thursday (26th May), the outgoing Lord Mayor Councillor Chris Cullwick and the civic party are taking the chance to look back at their year in office.
Councillor Cullwick, Lady Mayoress Joy Cullwick, Sheriff Ashley Mason and Sherriff’s Lady Danielle Mason chose to support three local charities York Mind, Safe and Sound Homes (SASH) and The Wilberforce Trust during their year. Countless events, from a charity golf day to a civic ball and cook-off competition, has seen the civic team fundraise for these charities.
Throughout their time in the historic civic office, they took every opportunity to thank and support York’s key workers and all those who helped the city through the challenges brought about by the pandemic.
The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of York The Reverend Councillor Chris Cullwick commented:
“There’s no denying that Covid impacted our year in office, but I am very proud of the work we have been able to carry out in the city – be that fundraising for our chosen charities, thanking volunteers and communities or supporting the reopening of the city as it bounced back from the pandemic.
“We took every opportunity throughout our year to highlight and thank the countless amazing community leaders, volunteers and key workers who continue to give so much to our city.
“Our year in the office began with remembrance events for those lost over the last few years – it was an emotional start to an extraordinary year full of gratitude and celebration of our city, its businesses and communities.
“Our thanks go to everyone who supported us throughout the year and made this year so eventful and unforgettable.
“I would like to extend my best wishes to Councillor Carr in his year at the helm of this historic civic office.”
Lady Mayoress Joy Cullwick added:
“Our year in the civic office has been truly amazing. We have had the chance to meet and thank so many devoted and inspiring people, who make our city so special.
“In my role as Lady Mayoress, I had the particular pleasure to thank our city’s mental health workers as well as some incredible local organisations that support women and girls across York. Their work and determination is truly inspiring.”
This year also saw the city’s youngest ever civic representative join the historic office, as Councillor Ashley Mason with his wife Danielle took on the Sherriff’s role. Throughout their year in office, they were focused on engaging with young entrepreneurs and community leaders across the city.
Commenting on his year as Sheriff, Councillor Ashley Mason said:
“I am grateful to have been able to make my mark in this historic office. One of this year’s highlights has certainly been the opportunity to recognise those in our communities who often don’t get the thanks they deserve for all their hard work.
“I hope that our work particularly engaging younger people across the city in the traditions and history of the civic office will leave a legacy that other civic parties will follow.”
Sherriff’s Lady Danielle Mason added:
“Our year in office has been made unforgettable by the many people who we have been able to recognise and celebrate for their contribution to York. It has been great to be able to represent this wonderful city and highlight the amazing work being carried out by so many charities, key workers and community leaders.
“The support we have received from across the city has been heart-warming and will undoubtedly be welcomed by our charities and all those causes we have been able to support throughout our year.”