Councillors launch campaign to improve poor mobile reception

The local Liberal Democrat councillors for Rawciffe & Clifton Without have launched a campaign to improve mobile reception in the area, following resident complaints and personal experience of poor service.
Poor mobile reception has been affecting residents’ ability to keep in contact with loved ones and family members, as well as making working from home more difficult. Local councillors have been contacted by residents who have reached out to mobile network providers – with various different excuses being given by a wide range of providers. Providers mentioned include Virgin Mobile, EE, O2, Tesco Mobile and others.
As complaints haven’t yet resulted in improvements to signal, the ward councillors have launched a petition, calling on Mobile Network Providers to improve their mobile network coverage locally.
The petition can be found here:
Local Lib Dem Councillor Darryl Smalley commented:
“Highlighted by the isolation experienced during the pandemic, mobile phones have become an essential part of everyday life, affecting everything we do from work, shopping, banking, communicating with loved ones and colleagues; to summoning help in an emergency. Yet so many residents continue to experience poor mobile reception right across Rawcliffe and Clifton Without. I have myself often struggled with almost non-existent poor mobile signal, which is becoming increasingly frustrating.
“When challenged, network providers aren’t acknowledging that there are any mobile signal problems in the area. They must work to meet the surging demand for connectivity and speed-up improvements to network services and phone coverage. I’ve recently been on holiday to Shetland, and frankly mobile signal was better on the ferry crossing the North Sea than in some parts of Rawcliffe & Clifton Without.
“We know not everyone will be affected, but please do consider supporting the campaign to help our community secure these improvements to service quality.”