Councillors welcome speed limit proposals in Rural West York

Local Lib Dem councillors in Rural West York have welcomed the news that proposals are progressing for speed limits to be introduced on several busy roads in Rural West York.
Northfield Lane has been identified as a potential location for introducing a 30mph speed restriction following investigations carried out as a result of repeated requests for changes in the area. Safety concerns have been identified along the lane, which has seen local councillors in the Rural West ward campaign for speed restrictions for some time.
Speed restrictions are also proposed for Askham Bryan Lane and in Askham Fields Lane. Local councillors have welcomed these proposals too, noting that extending the 30mph limit as you enter the village from Askham Bryan Lane will be very helpful in improving safety, especially because of the sharp bends at that end of the village. Extending the 30mph speed limit further from the village into Askham Fields Lane, well beyond the playground, should delay drivers accelerating to 60mph until they are clear of the village and the reduction of the speed limit alongside the entrance to Askham Bryan College to 40mph will make it safer for students and local residents walking to and from nearby bus stops.
The proposals have now been published for resident consultation, which is set to run till the 21st October. The local councillors are encouraging all local residents to explore the proposals and have their say.
Residents can have their say on the proposals by submitting comments to or by writing to the Council (West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA)
Councillor Anne Hook, local councillor for Rural West York, commented:
“I’m delighted to see proposals move forward to introduce speed limits in Northfield Lane. We have made the case for speed limits on this road for a long time, so it’s great to see that investigations have concluded that this is a viable step to take to improve safety. The lane is used by many cyclists and pedestrians, accessing the Knapton/Rufforth Cycle Path and, in future, the new Community Woodland. Reducing the speeds for motor vehicles, especially large vehicles accessing the Northminster Business Park, will make this road safer for all road users.
“Northfield Lane and Askham Bryan roads have been of concern to us and residents, so I hope the proposals will be supported. We have also identified further locations in the ward that would greatly benefit from speed restrictions, such as Wetherby Road (B1224) to the west of Rufforth and the A59 to beyond the busy junction with Hodgson Lane. We will make the case for these roads to be investigated next.”