Green Bin Tax leaves “10,000s without collection”
It has been revealed that the introduction of a Green Bin Tax has left 26,854 eligible households in York without a garden waste collection.
The figures released by City of York Council have also revealed that the most deprived wards in the city are worst affected, with fewer households able to afford to opt in to the scheme. Not surprisingly, in wealthier parts of the city, almost three quarters of households have paid the new Tax.
The stats reveal that:
Lowest Deprivation Score Wards:
- Copmanthorpe (3.29) has a 74% take up of Green Bins
- Wheldrake (4.16) has a 66% take up of Green Bins
- Rural West (5.83) has a 73% take up of Green Bins
Highest Deprivation Score Wards:
- Westfield (26.66) has a 43% take up of Green Bins
- Clifton (22.79) has a 41% take up of Green Bins
- Guildhall (16.38) has a 30% take up of Green Bins
It has also been revealed that of those households in the three wards with the highest levels of deprivation that are eligible for a subscription and in receipt of Council Tax Support, only 32.8% have done so.
Councillor Paula Widdowson, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Environment and Climate Emergency said:
“These figures confirm everything Liberal Democrats have been saying. The deeply unpopular Green Bin Tax is an unfair tax that hits those least well off the hardest.
“This is reflected in the Council’s own figures that show the wards with the highest deprivation scores have the worst take up. The Council is now asking for an above inflation increase for a full year service totalling £49. Many families will have made use of the discounted rate of £21 for a partial year collection whilst they explore alternate methods of disposal of their garden waste.
“The increase in the Green Bin Tax will mean more cars on roads as residents will drive their green waste to waste disposal centres, more incidences of fly tipping, more green waste burnt and more green waste put in black bins. Some families might also decide to pave over their gardens to avoid the charge.
“We are calling on Labour’s Council bosses to reverse their proposed increase in the Green Bin Tax and invest in discounts for more vulnerable residents. The Council’s budget should not be balanced on the back of those least able to pay.”