Haxby and Wigginton Councillors Urge Residents to Respond to Police Survey on ASB

Haxby and Wigginton's Lib Dem Councillors are urging residents to fill in a survey from North Yorkshire Police about their experiences of anti-social behaviour.
After a significant increase in anti-social behaviour, culminating in two arrests following a stabbing in November, the Police have responded to local councillors' calls for more attention to be given to ASB in Haxby and Wigginton.
In recent weeks, councillors have met with the Police and a range of residents, community groups and businesses, have joined walkabouts with PCSOs, and have met 'designing out crime' officers to look at how ASB hot-spots could be made less conducive to ASB, through for example CCTV or better lighting.
This survey is the latest part of the plan to tackle ASB and is aimed at improving the Police's knowledge of the issues that local people are experiencing.
Haxby and Wigginton Lib Dem Councillor Andrew Hollyer said: "Our huge thanks to our PCSO and the Police for their efforts recently, we've noticed a real step up in attention being given to Haxby and Wigginton and we hope we can continue to build on this positive working to make sure our villages are safe and welcoming for everyone.
"We need as many people as possible to complete the survey so that the Police are fully aware of the issues and so can produce the best plan to tackle them.
"Please do also continue to report issues using 101, or the online reporting form at https://www.northyorkshire.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime
The survey is online at bit.ly/handwasb