Lord Mayor supports White Ribbon campaign

During White Ribbon Day (25th November), Lord Mayor Chris Cullwick and Lady Mayoress Joy Cullwick welcomed representatives from IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services) to support their nationwide campaign to end violence against women and girls.
White Ribbon Day is a part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which is an annual international campaign that begins on 25 November.
During the meeting, Cllr Cullwick also took the White Ribbon pledge to never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.
The White Ribbon Campaign works to engage men in speaking out about violence against women and girls, to challenge gender stereotypes underpinning such violence and to challenge cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence against women.
The event’s leading message this year is that #AllMenCan, which was developed in March of this year when the murder of Sarah Everard brought women’s experience of men’s violence to the forefront of everyone’s minds.
The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of York The Reverend Councillor Chris Cullwick commented:
“We must take a stance against all violence, whoever the victim, and lead the call for men and boys to understand that violence against women in whatever form is absolutely wrong.
“I would urge residents to join the White Ribbon Campaign and work to tackle this appalling scourge of violence that persists in our country and around the world.”