Ward grant investment saves hedgehogs

Haxby and Wigginton ward funding grant allocated by local Lib Dem councillors is saving hedgehogs in the village. ‘Helping Haxby Hedgehogs’ group recently purchased an incubator with the help of a £750 ward funding grant. Local councillors were able to meet two of its smallest residents currently benefiting from this life-saving piece of kit.
According to a recent report from the Hedgehog Preservation Society and the People's Trust for Endangered Species, Hedgehogs in Britain have undergone a long historic decline. However, in more urban areas like York the picture more recently is of 'a stable population that might be recovering'. Gardens, green spaces and local action, has been recognised as crucial in ensuring a future for hedgehogs.
Local Councillor Andrew Hollyer said: "Ward budget is there to support measures that tackle issues of concern to residents or support the local community. Sometimes they are big ticket items such as tree planting or road resurfacing, but the smaller projects, such as this, are just as important.
“It was wonderful to see how a relatively small amount of funding from our ward budget has been used to enable Helping Haxby Hedgehogs to ensure the local population of hedgehogs can survive and thrive."
Sarah Dixon, Helping Haxby Hedgehogs, added: "The support we've received from ward funding and from regular small and large donations from local people has been amazing. Without it, we simply wouldn't be able to rescue, care for and return to the wild, hedgehogs in distress.
"Of course we still need more help towards the cost of running the rescue centre, which is constantly expanding with new patients. If you can help please email haxbyhedgehogs@gmail.com "
Any hedgehog seen out in the day is a cause for concern - particularly in the warm weather we're currently enjoying. If you have seen a one that you are worried about, contain it in a high-sided box (e.g. a recycling container) and visit https://www.yorkshirehedgehogs.co.uk to find your nearest rescue.
To learn more about supporting hedgehogs in your garden and the work of the rescue you can find Helping Haxby Hedgehog's page on Facebook.